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A day in Ambleside

  • The Music Box 1564 Argyle Avenue West Vancouver, BC, V7V 1A1 Canada (map)

Gratitude: how to find kindness everywhere
Talks, meditations, lunch and a walk in Ambleside

Others’ kindness touches us and opens our heart. It fills us with hope and faith in humanity, at a time when it seems we live in a very self-centred world where everyone is just thinking about themselves.

We know that gratitude is an important healing mindset. If we consciously and deliberately develop it, we will start to see kindness everywhere.

With talks and meditations, Gen Sanden, will explain how a mind of gratitude will transform our life. Then we will put this into practice, looking through the lens of gratitude, while we walk along the Seawalk at Ambleside, West Vancouver.

Join us for this special event at The Music Box which is located right on the beach at Ambleside.

April 5th is NKT Day, an annual event when we remember the kindness of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche in founding the New Kadampa Tradition.

Talk and meditation
11:30am-12:30pm Talk and meditation
12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm onwards A walk along the Seawalk

Non members $50
Members $20

Delicious vegetarian lunch and refreshments are included 
Pre-registration is appreciated to help our kind cooks

Location: The Music Box
1564 Argyle Ave
West Vancouver, BC, V7V 1A1


About the Teacher

Gen Kelsang Sanden is a senior Teacher in the New Kadampa Tradition. Well loved for his compassion, sense of humour and the clarity of his teachings, he has been a Kadampa Teacher and monk for more than 20 years.

April 3

Guided Lamrim Meditations

April 17

Guided Lamrim Meditations